Sunday, December 9, 2012

Announcements to the Kids

Well, Friday night I made my exciting news to my kids. I was nervous telling them. You worry about how they will react. Someone replacing their own father. Who by the way has made NO effort to be in their lives or even acknowledging their existence. So we packed up their weekend bags and drove the van home. Before everyone settled in to their normal routines to settle down for the night, I gathered them in the living room. I said I had something to tell them. I told them I was getting married. My son rolled around on the bed. My daughters said "really?" and they all stopped and said "wait to who?"...I said "remember the tall guy who came over a few months ago?" and they all smiled. They said "YAY! is he going to be our new dad?" and I smiled. My son was happy because Edward was his "facebook" friend. It was a good idea for him to friend my son. My daughter A says she misses him. I let them know we are looking for a house for us. They asked me where Nana and Grandpa were going? I explained to him that nothing is changing. They still have weekend visits and still live with my parents. Even so, my kids were  ssuper excited. My son looks forward to playing against Edward on XBo360. This news could not be any better. It really made my heart all warm. It put a big smile on my fiances face as well. He really hoped the kids would be excited. He is so ready to step up to be their father.